Mother feeding child and cooking in a kitchen

Checking & Savings

Awesome Convenience In Everyday Transactions

Achieve uncommon success with our steadfast commitment to the most common financial transactions.

Checking Accounts

Free and easy to use, our Checking Accounts are packed with convenient features.


Explore Checking Options

Debit Cards

Swiftly and securely access your funds anywhere at any time with a free debit card from RadiFi.


Explore Visa Debit Cards

Teen Checking Accounts

Introduce your teenager to money management with a jointly-owned Teen Checking Account.


Discover Teen Checking

Youth Savings Accounts

Youth Savings Accounts enable early success with a strong financial foundation.


Explore Youth Savings Options

Savings Accounts

Establish your membership and start making waves with a Savings Account from RadiFi.


Explore Savings Options

Money Market Accounts

Easily earn every month and access your funds whenever you wish with a Money Market Account.


Explore Money Market Accounts


Effortlessly grow your savings at higher rates on a timeline of your choice.


Explore Savings Certificates
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